

Her name was Esther. She moved to Phoenix from the Upper West Side of Manhattan after burying both of her parents last year. Everyone thought she was crazy for leaving. She came out to run a methadone clinic that happens to be across a parking lot from a fake store front that sells guns and […]

January 4, 2018

So Many Boxes…


I’ve always been lost in words. My mother gave me a book of Major English Romantic Poets when I was twelve. Keats, Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Longfellow. When I was sixteen, I found Shakespeare. At seventeen, I found Thoreau. Eighteen, Walt Whitman. Nineteen, Orwell. Then Hemingway and Carver and Cisneros and Bellow and Kerouac. Then I […]

December 31, 2017

But I’m not good…


I lie. Often.  It’s the same lie in various iterations. It’s not big. It’s not earth shattering. But, it’s there.  “I’m good! I’m good.” It’s my stock answer when anyone asks me how I’m doing. We have all told this lie. It’s easy. People ask us every day how we’re doing like they’re asking what […]

December 28, 2017